Dog breeding licence

Any person who keeps a breeding establishment for dogs needs to be licensed under the Animal Welfare (Breeding of Dogs) (Wales) Regulations 2014.

The regulations state that a Dog Breeding Licence is required where a person keeps 3 or more breeding bitches and:

  • Breeds 3 or more litters of puppies in any 12 month period OR
  • Advertises 3 or more litters of puppies in any 12 month period OR
  • Supplies puppies born from 3 or more litters in any 12 month period OR
  • Advertises a business of breeding or selling puppies from those premises

A breeding bitch is defined as a bitch over 6 months of age which has not been neutered.

The licence is required whether or not the activity is for commercial gain.

To obtain the licence you must first submit an application form and a written Enhancement and Enrichment Plan and a Socialisation Plan as well as a report from a Veterinary Surgeon confirming that the breeding bitches and stud dogs are fit to be used in the breeding establishment. These should be sent along with the required fee to the licensing section. If you wish to submit these in person then an appointment will be required.

You may wish to seek advice from your own veterinary surgeon or other suitably qualified person when completing these programmes. Alternatively the links below may help you complete these programmes.

All new premises will also be inspected by the council’s approved Veterinary Practitioner, which will incur an additional fee and by an officer of the Authority, to ensure that the accommodation is suitable; the arrangements for ensuring dogs receive adequate food, drink and bedding material and a schedule for visiting and exercising dogs at suitable intervals. Satisfactory precautions also have to be in place to prevent and control the spread of diseases among dogs and that dogs are protected in case of fire or other emergency.

Renewal applications will be required to submit a Health and Welfare Report with their application, which has been compiled by their veterinary practitioner. This report must not be dated more than 3 months prior to the commencement of the licence.

Please note that if you do not meet the requirements for a Dog Breeding Licence as detailed above, you may still require a licence if you breed puppies and sell the resultant puppies as pets (or with the intention of them becoming pets). Please read the information contained in the section for Selling Animals as Pets and / or contact the Licensing Section for further information and to discuss your circumstances.

Forms and related documents

Application form (PDF)

Conditions of licence (PDF)

Environment and Enrichment Plan (PDF)

Socialisation Plan (PDF)

Privacy notice - Applications for licences/registrations issued in relation to the keeping of animals (PDF)

Licence fees

Pay your commercial breeding fee

Pay your home breeding fee

If you have any welfare concerns for animals within a breeding establishment or believe a person is breeding without a licence please contact us.

Contact us

Elsewhere on the web

RSPCA | Cariad Campaign | The Blue Cross For Pets