Wind Turbine Map

The interactive map below shows wind turbines that are operational (green); consented (yellow); and in planning (red). The turbines are also classified by their size based on height to blade tip and number of turbines (see table below). Size is represented by different size dots – micro being the smallest and very large being the biggest.

The square symbols represent wind turbines that have been refused, are expired, have been withdrawn or are awaiting environmental scoping.

  Turbine development in this typology will have a blade tip height of: and will consist of:
MICRO (Mi) 25m or less or will be roof mounted Only one turbine
SMALL (S) 50m or less Three turbines or fewer
MEDIUM (M) 80m or less Four turbines or fewer
LARGE (L) 109m or less Five turbines or fewer
VERY LARGE (VL) More than 109m Any number of turbines
Note: Any group of six or more turbines will belong to the vary large typology irrespective of the height of the turbines.

Every individual turbine is represented on the map though you may need to zoom in to see this. It is also possible to click on each dot to view further information. 

The maps are based on information provided by each Local Planning Authority in South East Wales.

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