Corporate and Regeneration Scrutiny Committee FWP

Statement by the Chair of the Corporate and Regeneration Scrutiny Committee, Councillor Gary Johnston

This year (2024/25) the Corporate and Regeneration Scrutiny Committee will be involved in the following areas:

  • Pre-decision scrutiny – consultation prior to decisions taken by Cabinet
  • Consulted on policy and service developments
  • Budget monitoring
  • Performance Management – Improvement Objectives, Council Self-evaluation and Service Improvement Plans

In addition the scrutiny committee will receive copies of any relevant Ombudsman reports and reports from the Wales Audit Office. 

The forward work programme will also include requests that have been accepted by the committee from Councillors and the public and any Councillor Calls for Action.

The FWP will include any 'Task and Finish Groups' set up by the scrutiny committee, to carry out an in depth investigation of a particular topic or service area.

I hope that you will find this FWP informative and welcome your feedback'.

Current Forward Work Programme

The current work programme is published in the agenda pack and will be updated at every regular scrutiny committee meeting.

All scrutiny committee meeting papers are published 3 clear working days prior to date of the meeting and are available by clicking the following link:

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