Children and young people

Youth respect

Youth Respect is a project for children over the age of 10. These children will show very challenging behaviours in their family and relationships. This may include abusive, aggressive, and controlling behaviours.

Only Supporting Family Change and the Youth Offending Service can refer to this service.

Domestic abuse - Children & young people’s support

This project provides support for children and young people affected by domestic abuse. They offer both individual and group sessions. They support young people so they can explore and share their experiences and feelings.

The individual sessions may take place in the home, school or another preferred venue.

The group sessions include focused activities that bring children and young people together. Groups are age-related groups.  

Children & Young People Advocacy

This is a confidential, independent issue-based advocacy service. It supports children and young people by helping them to have their voice heard.

The project works on a 1:1 basis to enable the child, or young person to promote their views, wishes, and feelings. This can help them get something stopped, started or changed.

Young Carers

This project brings together Young Carers across Caerphilly. Young people meet at regular group sessions.

The sessions enable young people to share and explore their experiences. This helps them to feel supported and have time out from the caring role.

The project offers well-being support, information sessions and fun activities.

REACH Contact details

REACH is a prevention project for 8 - 17 year olds living in Blaenau Gwent and Caerphilly who are at risk of anti-social behaviour and/or offending.

Each child will work closely with a member of the REACH team for 3 - 6 months. The intervention is voluntary.

Staff from any service/agency can make referrals if there are signs that a child is displaying anti-social behaviour or could become involved in offending.