Joint Assessment Family Framework (JAFF)

If you are a family and you would to receive support from Families First you do not need to fill out a referral form. Please visit our how can I receive support section for more information. 

Information for professionals to refer

To refer into our Families First Projects, professionals must use our Joint Assessment Family Framework Form (JAFF).
The JAFF is a family focused assessment to help identify a family’s needs. Families First projects can help support the family to reach their goals.
Please follow the JAFF Guidance PADLET or contact our JAFF Coordinator for more guidance/ information or alternatively

Families must consent to work with Families First and have read the privacy notice (PDF). We also have an easy read version of the privacy notice (PDF).

The JAFF is sent to our Information, Advice and Assistance (IAA) team, the families JAFF is read and sent to the most appropriate project/service. 

The form is available below. Please complete electronically and return by email to

Joint Assessment Family Framework (JAFF) Referral Form (WORD)

JAFF Coordinator: or alternatively

Please note: For the JAFF to be processed, verbal or signed consent must be gained. You must send the JAFF form to IAA in word format (not PDF) with the JAFF having signed consent by the individual/family.

Further information

If you are unsure of what support is best suited for the family, please ring IAA, the JAFF coordinator or visit the Families First Website