Statutory Notice

School Standards and Organisation (Wales) Act 2013

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN in accordance with section 42 of the School Standards and Organisation Act 2013 and the School Organisation Code 2018 that Caerphilly County Borough Council, having consulted such persons as required by relevant legislation, proposes to make the prescribed alterations as follows:

  • Close Lewis Girls school and make a regulated alteration to Lewis School Pengam to change from single sex to co-education with effect from September 2025. 

The schools are maintained by Caerphilly County Borough Council.

The Council undertook a period of consultation before deciding to publish this proposal. A consultation report containing a summary of the issues raised by consultees, the proposer’s responses and Estyn’s full response is available on the Council website at:

It is proposed to implement the proposal with an anticipated effective date being September 2025.

Lewis Girls School

  • The site currently has a capacity for 1103 pupils  
  • The published admission number is 180
  • There are currently 38.35% surplus places
  • 83.86% of current pupils on roll are from within catchment.

Lewis School Pengam

  • The site currently has a capacity for 1140 pupils
  • The current published admission number is 191
  • There are currently 42.63% surplus places
  • 84.22% of current pupils on roll are from within catchment.

Lewis School Pengam has adequate capacity to accommodate all catchment pupils.

Should the proposal be implemented, the Lewis Girls School site would be retained as a provision to Lewis School Pengam until 2027 where all pupils would then attend the Lewis School Pengam site, to manage the transition over a number of years.

This phased approach is intended to minimise disruption and any potentially negative impact on exam pupils, whilst enabling staff and pupils to be prepared for integration over an appropriate timeframe.

The existing catchment area would remain unchanged, as outlined in the Consultation Document (page 10)

The distance between both schools is circa 2.8 miles.  The Council’s policy on school transport, provides eligible pupils of statutory school age free transport to the ‘relevant’ school.  Those eligible for school transportation who are not currently taking up the service will be offered the opportunity to do so.

Objection Period

Within a period of 28 days of the date on which the proposal was published, that is to say, between Thursday 26th September 2024 and Thursday 24th October 2024, any person may object to the proposals in writing or by email to the proposer. 

Objections by email should be sent to 

Objections in writing should be sent to Caerphilly County Borough Council, for the attention of the Sustainable Communities for Learning Team, Directorate of Education and Corporate Services, Penallta House, Tredomen Park, Ystrad Mynach, CF82 7PG.

The Council will publish a summary of any such objections made (and not withdrawn in writing) within the objection period, together with their observations thereon, at the time of notification to stakeholders of the determination of the proposal.

  • Richard Edmunds, Corporate Director for Education and Corporate Services - For Caerphilly County Borough Council
  • Dated: 26th September 2024

Explanatory note

(This does not form part of the notice but is intended to explain its general meaning)

  • Caerphilly County Borough Council proposes to close Lewis Girls school (CF82 7WW) and make a regulated alteration to Lewis School Pengam (CF81 8LJ). 

The proposed pupil transition will be phased as follows:

September 2025 pupils would attend settings as follows

  • Year 7 - all pupils (Girls and Boys) Lewis Girls School site
  • Year 8 - all pupils (Girls and Boys) Lewis Girls School site
  • Year 9 - all pupils (Girls and Boys) Lewis School Pengam site
  • Year 10 - all pupils (Girls and Boys) Lewis School Pengam site
  • Year 11 - retain single sex, pupils to remain either at Lewis Girls School or Lewis School Pengam
  • Year 12 - As now, pupils to attend Upper Rhymney Valley consortia lessons where they are offered
  • Year 13 - As now, pupils to attend Upper Rhymney Valley consortia lessons where they are offered

September 2026 pupils would attend settings as follows

  • Year 7 - all pupils (Girls and Boys) Lewis Girls School site
  • Year 8 - all pupils (Girls and Boys) Lewis Girls School site
  • Year 9 - all pupils (Girls and Boys) Lewis School Pengam site
  • Year 10 - all pupils (Girls and Boys) Lewis School Pengam site
  • Year 11 - all pupils (Girls and Boys) Lewis School Pengam site
  • Year 12 - As now, pupils to attend Upper Rhymney Valley consortia lessons where they are offered
  • Year 13 - As now, pupils to attend Upper Rhymney Valley consortia lessons where they are offered

September 2027 pupils would attend settings as follows

  • All pupils (Girls and Boys) 7-13 Lewis School Pengam site

Information can also be made available in other formats, languages and in hard copy on request. Please contact us on 014438 64817 / to arrange this.