Scrutiny committees
We have established a number of scrutiny committees and panels, which collectively oversee the 8 cabinet portfolios.
Click the links below to browse meetings, agendas, membership and attendance statistics.
Role of each scrutiny committee
Each scrutiny committee consists of 18 councillors who meet every six weeks. Each has a statutory 'watchdog' role to ensure that the council carries out its responsibilities properly and, where necessary, are accountable for their actions.
Scrutiny committees have four main roles:
- Holding the cabinet and officers as decision-makers to account
- Undertaking reviews of council services and policies
- Undertaking reviews to develop council services and policies
- Considering any other matter that affect the county borough
In undertaking these roles scrutiny committees:
- Can 'call-in' decisions made by the Cabinet and officers
- Establish Task and Finish Groups to undertake reviews and develop council services and policies or, any other matter that affects the county borough
- Seek advice from key stakeholders and partners such as business, voluntary and public sector organisations, trades unions, special interest groups, local communities and individual members of the public.
Scrutiny committees cannot:
- Make decisions on behalf of the council
- Scrutinise specific decisions of the Planning Committee, Licensing Committee and Rights of Way Committee that have quasi-judicial decision-making responsibilities
- Deal with individual queries, concerns, or complaints. If you are not satisfied with a service or have a complaint, please contact the relevant officer responsible for that service area. However, if you are not able to resolve the query please use the council's corporate complaints procedure.
Getting involved at scrutiny committee meetings
Scrutiny Committees must make arrangements to allow people who live or work in the local authority area to make representations on any matter being discussed. Visit the get involved in scrutiny section for details.