Mobilising Team Caerphilly

Project Overview

Projects Overview


Budget Overview

Budget Overview


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Caerphilly County Borough Council is facing unprecedented economic challenges.


Like all local authorities across the UK, the economic landscape has never been more complex. Over the next 2 years, the council will need to save £45 million of running costs.


To put this into perspective, even if the council stopped carrying out Waste and Recycling Collections; stopped all highways repairment; closed all leisure centres; removed all catering and street cleaning services; and removed all provision for country parks across the county borough – we would save £40 million (still falling significantly short of our 2-year target).

Leader of Council - Cllr Sean Morgan


This is purely hypothetical but demonstrates the sheer scale of the challenge we face.


A failure to achieve this would result in the council needing to issue a Section 114 notice to Welsh Government (as has recently been seen in local authorities across England).


This is a daunting and serious challenge that we as a local authority are now facing. Over the last year, staff within the council have been working tirelessly to embrace this challenge and to explore not only how savings can be made, but also how our services can be reconfigured to better meet the needs of our residents.


This programme involves ambitious plans to transform and improve our services, as part of an exciting programme of positive change which has gathered pace across the whole organisation in recent months.


At this critical time for our county borough, it is imperative that you – our residents, are at the heart of these decisions.


This section of the webpage will provide real-time updates on the projects being considered, the consultations that are currently ongoing, and the outcomes that your views will help to shape.


As this programme of change develops, this page will continue to be populated.