
  • Service Area: Parks Services
  • Work Area: Allotments
  • Contact Details: 01443 811458 /
  • Privacy Notice Name: Allotments privacy notice
  • Description of Privacy Notice: This privacy notice will explain how Parks Services uses the personal data we collect from you when you provide your details in relation to allotments.

How we will use your information

Source and type of information being processed

Categories of personal data obtained

Caerphilly County Borough Council has obtained the following categories of your personal data:

  • Name
  • Address
  • Email address
  • Phone number
  • Date of birth
  • Concession eligibility (benefits)
  • Payment details

Source of the personal data

You directly provide Parks Services with most of the data we collect. We collect data and process data when you:

Register online to apply to go on an allotment waiting list. Voluntarily complete a customer survey or provide feedback on any of our message boards or via email.

​​​​​​Parks Services may also receive your data indirectly from the following sources:

Your details may be forwarded to Parks Services if you contact Accounts. Receivable/Income Recovery about your allotment invoice.​

Purpose and legal basis for using your information

Purpose of processing

Your information will be used by CCBC for the following purposes:​

  • Entering, and fulfilling the terms of an Allotment Tenancy Agreement
  • Allotment waiting list management
  • Maintaining and administering the records on the allotment database
  • Contacting you in the event of a problem with your tenancy/plot
  • Sending out renewal information
  • Enabling us to meet all legal and statutory obligations
  • Notifying you of changes like repairs and maintenance
  • Chasing up outstanding payments.​​

We also process some of this data if you volunteer as a site representative.

Legal basis for processing

In order for the processing of personal data to be lawful under the General Data Protection Regulations 2016, a valid condition from Article 6 of the Regulations must be identified.

There is a contractual and public task obligation to process your information. Additionally, we rely on your consent in one instance, this and the previous obligations are detailed below:

We have a contractual obligation (Tenancy Agreement) with you

Article 6(1)(b) processing is necessary for the performance of a contract to which the data subject is party or in order to take steps at the request of the data subject prior to entering into a contract;

A task carried out in the public interest or in the exercise of local authority functions under the Allotment Act 1908 as modified under the Allotment Act 1950

Article 6(1)(e) processing is necessary for the performance of a task carried out in the public interest or in the exercise of official authority vested in the controller;

Consent when you respond to our surveys

Article 6(1)(a) the data subject has given consent to the processing of his or her personal data for one or more specific purposes;

The right to withdraw consent

You have the right to withdraw your consent to the processing of this information. To withdraw your consent, please contact the Service Area whose details are contained on the top of this document.

Who will have access to your information

Identity of Data Controller and Data Protection Officer

The Data Controller for your information is Caerphilly County Borough Council. The Data Protection Officer is:

Other Data Controllers may also be responsible for your information, depending on the specific circumstances. Please contact the Service Area for further information.

Details of main users of your information

Parks Services, allotments team.

Details of any sharing of your information within Caerphilly County Borough Council

Details may be shared internally with CCBC teams to support the service provided, such as corporate finance to process payments.

Details of any sharing of your information with other organisations

CCBC allotment sites have Site Representatives who are committee members. These are allotment tenants who have been elected to the role and facilitate the management of the allotment site on behalf of the federation. The Site Representatives show vacant plots to prospective tenants, assist with site inspections, advise on site issues, provide guidance to new and existing tenants.​ To carry out this role, Site Representatives are provided with the following information:

Current tenants' names, plot numbers, email addresses, and phone numbers. Prospective tenants' names, email addresses, and phone numbers.

Site Representatives will only hold your information while they carry out this role.

You will be informed by the Allotment federation, if a Site Representative is no longer in post. As a plot holder, the Allotment Site Committee will also contact you to let you know when the Annual General Meeting is due to be held which will include the election of the Committee (including the Site Representative).

Requests for information

All recorded information held by Caerphilly County Borough Council may be subject to requests under the Freedom of Information Act 2000, Environmental Information Regulations 2004 and Data Protection legislation.

If the information you provide is subject to such a request, where possible Caerphilly County Borough Council will consult with you on its release. If you object to the release of your information we will withhold your information if the relevant legislation allows.

How long will we retain your information

Details of retention period

How long Caerphilly County Borough Council retains information is determined through statutory requirements or best practice.

CCBC will keep your personal data for the duration of the allotment tenancy. Once this time period has expired, your data will be anonymised so you cannot be identified. Financial data will be kept for 6 years after your tenancy has ended.

Your Rights (Inc Complaints Procedure)

Your rights under the Data Protection legislation

Data Protection gives data subjects (those who the information is about) a number of rights:

  • The right of subject access – Application forms for this process are available on our website: SAR Form
  • The right to be informed
  • The right of rectification
  • The right to erasure
  • The right to restrict processing
  • The right to object
  • The right to data portability
  • Rights in relation to automated decision making and profiling.

Further information on your rights is available from:

To enact your rights please contact the service area detailed on the top of this form.

Complaints Procedure

If you are unhappy with the way that Caerphilly County Borough Council has handled your request / information, you have the right of complaint. Please contact the Service Area detailed at the top of this document outlining your issues.

If you remain unhappy you also have a right of complaint to the Information Commissioner's Office. Please follow this link for further information on the complaints process: