Requests for information (FOI/EIR)

"The Freedom of Information Act 2000 provides public access to information held by public authorities. It does this in two ways:

  • public authorities are obliged to publish certain information about their activities; and
  • members of the public are entitled to request information from public authorities."

- Information Commissioner's Office

We are firmly committed to promoting openness and transparency in the way we conduct our affairs, as documented in our Access to Unpublished Information Policy.

Through this website, committee documents and other publications, we aim to keep you informed about the decisions that affect your life.  If you would like access to recorded information we hold which is not already available you may wish to make a request for this information.

Requests for recorded information

Access to recorded information is mainly provided by the Freedom of Information Act or the Environmental Information Regulations.

Our publication scheme

Under this these laws we commit to making available the information detailed in the Information Commissioner’s Model Publication Scheme for Local Authorities. We have a Guide to Information to accompany the Model Publication Scheme, and this is based on the Definition Document for Principal Local Authorities produced by the Information Commissioner’s Officer (ICO).  We also publish many datasets on this website. 

Guide to information

We also publish FOI/EIR compliance statistics

How to submit a request for information

It would assist us in dealing with your request if you would submit your request online below or by contacting the Corporate Information Governance Unit via email

Submit your request online >

Please note, this form will not work from within Internet Explorer. Please use a more modern browser such as Edge, Chrome or Safari

This link will direct you to Caerphilly Connect. Register now or log in to report, apply and pay for services. If you do not wish to create an account click 'Continue without registering'. Please check your spam/junk mail folder for account activation and notification emails that we send you!

You will normally receive a response to your request within 20 working days. Sometimes information cannot be disclosed or a fee may be required, and if this is the case we will explain why.

Further information on Freedom of Information and Environmental Information Regulations is available from the Information Commissioner’s Office.

Requests for recorded information about yourself (Subject Access Request)

Individuals (or those acting on their behalf) have the right to request copy of personal data held about them.  Please see data subject rights – right of access for further information.

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