Welsh Language Standards
The Welsh Language (Wales) Measure 2011 replaced the Welsh Language Act 1993 and as part of the new legislation, in Wales the Welsh language has equal legal status with English and must not be treated less favourably. Public bodies no longer need to develop and implement Welsh Language Schemes but instead now must comply with a set of national Welsh Language Standards.
The Welsh Language Commissioner has issued a Compliance Notice which sets out which of the 176 standards in the legislation apply to the local authority, along with any exemptions and their implementation dates. The compliance notice issued on 30 September 2015 is accepted by the authority along with the variances made on 20 September 2016 and 23 January 2017.
Our progress is recorded each year in the Welsh Language Standards Annual Report, which is published below for 2023-2024.The council’s Cabinet approved publication of the report on 5 June 2024.
The council was required by 30 March 2016 to publish a document noting how it intends to comply at a corporate level with the Standards and what its internal processes are for oversight and monitoring implementation. This document is therefore published below.
Welsh Language Strategy 2022-2027
Sets out how the local authority, in collaboration with its partners proposes, to promote the Welsh language and to facilitate the use of the Welsh language more widely in the county borough. Visit our Welsh Language Strategy section for details.
Welsh language complaints
If you would like to make a complaint relating to the council’s compliance with the Welsh Language Standards or a failure on the council’s part to provide a bilingual service, please use the council's complaints procedure via the following link - complaints about a council service.
You also have a right to direct any complaints relating to the Welsh language to the Welsh Language Commissioner:
Welsh Language Commissioner's Website