County Borough Elections 2024

Election of a County Borough Councillor for the Aberbargoed & Bargoed Electoral Division of the County Borough of Caerphilly - Declaration of Result of Poll

I, the undersigned, being the Deputy Returning Officer at the Election of a Councillor for the Aberbargoed & Bargoed Electoral Division of the County Borough of Caerphilly, held on the 15 August, 2024, do hereby give notice that the number of Votes recorded for each Candidate at the said Election is as follows:

Names of candidates


Other names


Number of Votes Recorded



Welsh Labour

354 (elected)


Joshua Declan

Plaid Cymru – The Party of Wales




The Green Party


The number of ballot papers rejected was as follows:

(a) voting for more candidates than voter was entitled to - 0

(b) writing or mark by which voter could be identified - 0

(c) being unmarked or wholly void for uncertainty - 8

(d) Want of Official Mark - 0

TOTAL - 774

And I do hereby declare that the said Chris Bissex-Foster is a duly elected Councillor for the said Electoral Division.   

  • Dave Beecham - Deputy Returning Officer                                                                             
  • Dated: 15 August 2024