Statement of Persons Nominated

15 August 2024 

  • Local authority name: Caerphilly
  • Name of electoral ward: Aberbargoed and Bargoed

The following people have been or stand nominated for election to this ward: Those who no longer stand nominated have a comment in the right hand column.


Candidate name

Description of candidate


Home address information


Information from statement of party membership

Reason why candidate is no longer nominated


Welsh Labour 

Caerphilly County Borough

Plaid Cymru – The Party of Wales 15/08/23 – 25/09/23


Joshua Declan

Plaid Cymru – The Party of Wales

60 Upper Wood Street, Bargoed CF81 8PF




The Green Party

Caerphilly County Borough



Printed and published by Dave Street, Returning Officer, Bargoed House, 1 St Gwladys Way, Bargoed CF81 8AB