News Centre

Have your say on future plans for active travel

Posted on : 10 Apr 2017

Have your say on future plans for active travel
Caerphilly Council is seeking the views of those who live and work and in the county borough to help ensure that walking and cycling routes are available in desired areas and are maintained and supported over the next 15 years.
A draft Active Travel Integrated Network Map has been created for consultation and sets out proposals for active travel over the next 15 years.
The draft Integrated Network Map includes a list of developing Safe Routes in Communities projects and proposals for more than 100 walking and cycling route improvements. The Walking and Cycling routes included on the map have been assessed to ensure they can be developed to meet the standards expected by Welsh Government.
The views of residents and stakeholders will help shape and inform the final Active Travel Integrated Network Map before submission is made to Welsh Government. The closing date for the consultation is Monday 19th June 2017.
To take part in the survey please visit or for further information please contact 01495 235059. 

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