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Gwnewch y Pethau Bychain - Make One Small Change

Posted on : 01 Mar 2022

Gwnewch y Pethau Bychain - Make One Small Change
Caerphilly County Borough Council launch new Make One Small Change campaign, aimed at making the Borough inclusive of the Welsh language.
Launching on 1st March 2022 the campaign has been inspired by what is thought to be the last words of St David himself, “gwenwch y pethau bychain”, translated as “do the little things”.
Each month throughout 2022 Caerphilly County Borough Council will be encouraging residents and staff members to pledge to make one small change to help to further their use and understanding of the Welsh language.
Monthly pledges will include small, actionable challenges such as greeting someone in Welsh, using the cashpoint in Welsh or listening to a Welsh radio station during your morning commute.
Councillor Philippa Marsden, Leader of Council explains: “We are thrilled to be launching this campaign on St David’s Day. During national days such as this one, and at sporting events, the pride that the Welsh have is often undeniable and we as a County are keen to ensure that pride resonates into the use of our native language.”
Councillor James Pritchard, Deputy Leader and Equalities Champion adds: “Whether you know some Welsh and just need the confidence to use it more, or have never spoken a word of Welsh, by making one small change you may be surprised how much you pick up.
“The Make One Small Change campaign will also include a series of Equality Pledges in an effort to ensure that Caerphilly County Borough Council is an inclusive place to live and work for all.”
For more information about the Make One Small Change campaign and monthly pledges, follow @CaerphillyCBC on Facebook and Twitter.

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