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New multi-agency initiative cracks down on serious and organised crime

Posted on : 01 Oct 2024

New multi-agency initiative cracks down on serious and organised crime

Gwent Police launched a new initiative to tackle serious and organised crime and improve safety in Rhymney.

Clear, Hold, Build, a three-phased project designed by the Home Office, aims to reduce offending and regenerate areas affected by crime and disorder.

The multi-agency initiative, known locally as Respect4Rhymney, will see us carry out a range of police operations to home in on crime groups and stop them from operating, and restore pride in the community.

Officers kicked off a Respect Rhymney two-day enforcement operation last week by carrying out a warrant at an address in Rhymney.

While searching the property on Thursday 26 September, we found a substantial amount of class-B drugs, cash, packaging equipment, drugs paraphernalia. A 54-year-old man from Rhymney was arrested on suspicion of possession with intent to supply class B drugs, he has since been released under investigation.  

During the launch action days, local shops and pubs received educational material around vapes and underage sales from our officers and Trading Standards. Joint tenancy visits were made with the council’s housing and the youth services teams, and several residents were spoken to about concerns around dog breeding.

Four arrests were made over the two days for offences ranging from shoplifting to driving under the influence of drugs. While the Driver and Vehicle Standards Agency (DVSA) issued several fines for tyre offences.

Chief Inspector Stevie Warden said:

“Everyone involved in Respect Rhymney, is committed to making this community, which has been affected by serious and organised crime, a safer place to live, work and visit.

“A lot of good work has already taken place in Rhymney, with officers working hard over the last year to investigate, arrest and convict eight organised crime group (OCG) members to prison sentences totalling 30 years and seven months.

“This work has led to both crime and anti-social behaviour decreasing in the area.

“But we cannot rest on our laurels and continue to work with partners to ensure Rhymney remains a hostile environment for criminals.

“However, we cannot do this alone and rely on the public to give us information, no matter how small, to help us build our intelligence pictures so we can act and take criminals off our streets.”

What are we doing as part of Respect Rhymney?

Our Respect Rhymney work consists of three phases.

  • By ruthlessly pursuing gang members, we’ll clear the area of serious crime.
  • Our enforcement and engagement activity will continue in order to hold the area and prevent other organised crime groups filling the void.
  • By working with residents and partners, we’ll then work to build the area into a more prosperous area, one that residents are proud of and one less susceptible to being exploited by organised crime groups.

Who’s involved in our Clear, Hold, Build project

Partners involved in Respect Rhymney include Safer Caerphilly Community Safety team, Trading Standards, Environmental Health, CCBC Youth Services, CCBC Housing & Tenancy Enforcement, CCBC Licensing Teams, DVSA and more.

For more information, visit Respect Rhymney | Gwent Police, follow @gwentpolice on X, Facebook and Instagram.

Anyone with any information about crime in their area is asked to contact us on 101, or Crimestoppers, anonymously, on 0800 555 111. In an emergency always call 999.

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