News Centre

News releases
The Welsh Government have extended the Pupil Development Grant to include additional year groups for the academic year 2021/22 only.
Public Health Wales, Aneurin Bevan University Health Board and Caerphilly County Borough Council are investigating a single case of tuberculosis (TB) in an individual associated with Blackwood Comprehensive School.
Cabinet have recently noted and formally approved the results of consultation on the draft Active Travel Network Map (ATNM).
A Caerphilly man has been sentenced for unlicensed dog breeding under the Animal Welfare Act 2006.
Caerphilly County Borough Council have recently received a number of complaints concerning the abuse of resident parking and therefore, are issuing a reminder to residents to only park in resident bays if you are able to display a valid resident or visitor permit.
Visitors to town centres in the Caerphilly County Borough are being asked for their views to help determine the future approach to car parking charges in our town centres.