Oakdale Business Park


Landscape Management Plan

The reclamation works are completed, and unlike many other industrial sites, the whole area has been transformed through extensive landscaping. It has created a country park environment that will be a pleasure to work in.

Management of the existing plantations and woodland has been undertaken to increase structural and species diversity and this Woodland Management Plan is part of the overall Landscape Management Plan. A staggering 144,000 plants have been incorporated into the whole site. These plants have been mainly Oak and Birch woodland with associated Ash, Beech and Cherry and form the main landscaping structure of the site. All the plateaux have been seeded with native grasses and clovers.

Managing the ecology of the site forms a substantial part of the Landscape Management Plan and further work is being undertaken to improve the habitats, particularly in the wet woodland and grassland areas.

Naturally occurring ponds lying below Plateau 1 are scheduled to be cleared, and sediment removed to create an open water ecosystem. The grassland areas will be managed to encourage wildlife, in particular to boost the declining skylark population.

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