You searched for Civic amenities sites in caerphilly Borough

20/11/2019 14:16:57

Assisted Musical Instrument Purchase Scheme.

29/03/2019 13:27:53

The Housing (Wales) Act 2014 requires all Welsh local authorities to undertake a homelessness review and using the results, produce a four year homelessness strategy to be operational by 31 December 2018 (see Sections 50-2 of the Act). 

20/11/2019 14:16:58

Instrument and voice lessons.

07/09/2023 14:30:39

At Caerphilly Council we offer opportunities for you to volunteer to support not only our services but also residents living in the borough.

05/07/2023 16:21:17

Registered voluntary societies, movements and institutions which contribute towards local community life can apply for this grant.