Parental support

Community Forum

The Community Forum gives people the chance to meet others in their local community. They hold weekly supportive group meetings. In these meetings people can learn new skills and gain volunteering experience.

A variety of activities meet the needs of the group. Activities may include: wellbeing, IT support, cookery and sewing classes and craft workshops. They also arrange outdoor activities and qualifications and skills for employment.

They also encourage people to contribute to discussions and consultations about local issues. They support people to have their voices heard on things that may affect their lives.

Individuals will also have the chance to register and train as Community, Parent, Language or Wellbeing Champions. Champions support families in their local community and can help signpost them to local services.

Confident Parents, Stronger Families (CPSF)

CPSF provides targeted parenting support for families with children aged 8-17 years. CPSF works alongside families to create a support plan which meets the family’s needs.

An approach that starts with the family’s strengths helps to build and sustain positive, respectful relationships. CPSF practitioners show parents how to enhance their parenting skills. This helps with their children’s development, care, and wellbeing. CPSF offers support packages to meet a range of needs.

These needs include managing behaviour, routines, and boundaries. Families receive initial individual sessions in their home or online. Parents can then progress onto attending a group-based programme. These take place in the community or online. If required, further individual tailored support is offered. (Please refer to the Early Years support services for children aged 0-7 years).

Let’s Talk Money

Let’s Talk Money provides Debt, Welfare Benefits, and Financial Capability Advice. The advice is specialist and regulated. They support clients to negotiate with creditors.

They provide advice on all debt solutions including bankruptcy and debt relief orders.

The project helps families to maximise their income. Families learn how to manage their money better. This can help to prevent homelessness.

Parent Advocacy

This is a confidential, independent service for parents. It helps parents to have their voice heard. The project works on a 1:1 basis.

The service can help parents resolve a range of issues. This may include making changes, engaging with support services and navigating systems.