Caerphilly county borough council, directorate of social services, commissioning team, contract monitoring report

Name of Provider: New Directions Care & Support

Date of Visit: 20 October 2022

Visiting Officers: Ceri Williams - Contract Monitoring Officer CCBC

Present: Kerry Mountjoy – Service Lead, Caerphilly, Amy Carr - Regional Manager

New Directions are a registered domiciliary care provider, providing care and support to individuals within their own homes.

This is the first monitoring visit to be undertaken to this provider by the local authority.

Dependent on the findings within the report, ND Care & Support will be given corrective and developmental actions to complete. Corrective actions are those which must be completed (as governed by legislation etc), and developmental actions are good practice recommendations.

Findings from visit

Call monitoring records were viewed for two clients and compared to scheduled times. The records showed that calls were taking place within 30 mins of the scheduled call times.

The carer continuity, for both packages reviewed, was good with continuity within the target set in the contract.

Two staff rota’s were reviewed as part of monitoring. It was evident from the rota’s that sufficient travel time was built in to ensure care workers have ample time between one location and the next.

ND Care use a computerised care planning system called PASS. The system holds all individuals’ details, care plans, care calls required and also acts as a call monitoring system.

ND Care have a comprehensive care planning document. The document includes personal details, medical history, outcomes to be achieved, breakdown of care calls and tasks to be completed on each call.

Two client’s files were viewed while at the monitoring visit. Both client’s files contained a CCBC Care and Support Plan. All identified care and support needs from the CCBC care and support plan were included on the ND Care personal plans.

A brief summary of life history was included in the documentation which could be more detailed.

The personal plans viewed both included detailed and clear instructions on what support was needed on each call. Both plans were person centred, written from the view of the person receiving care and support and included likes, dislikes, routines and, abilities of what could be achieved independently.

There were suitable risk assessments in place of both files viewed which accurately described risks identified and actions to take should the risk occur.

Both personal plans had been signed by the person receiving care and support or by a representative, evidencing their involvement in the production of the personal plan.

Daily records are captured electronically using the PASS application. Tasks are listed and recorded as green when the carer confirms they have completed the task. On all records viewed tasks were completed and also contained a written summary by the carer regarding the outcome of the call and commenting on the individual’s well-being

The computerised system logs the date, times in and out of the calls, records the length of the call and the details of the carer who completed the call.

Clients records are audited daily as the PASS system alerts office staff if tasks have not been completed.

Reviews of the personal plans are carried out within the necessary timescales set out in regulations.

Reviews are meaningful and undertaken with the individual receiving care and support.

Two staff files were viewed; they both included required information such as detailed application form, record of interview and contracts of employment.

One file evidenced the required two references, but the second file only contained one reference. There was however evidence and an audit trail of reference requests but no replies to these requests had been received.

Signed contracts of employment were present on both files viewed.

There were copies of documents proving identity on both files and recent photograph’s present.

Disclosure Barring Service checks are applied for and proof that they are received and clear is kept on file. This information was present for both staff files checked.

Training certificates were present on both staff files and files also included training competency checklists.

There was also evidence on file of a meaningful and in-depth shadowing process for new staff whilst working with experienced staff in the community. Checklists were present for various tasks which had been observed and signed off by senior staff.

Spot checks were also recorded both files. These are carried out every six months and include appearance, infection control, communication and also competency checks on medication administration and moving and handling. Feedback is also obtained from individuals receiving the service.

The training matrix showed that all staff where up to date with training in all mandatory courses. There was no evidence of staff having received training in non-mandatory courses.

Care staff are required to receive supervision no less than quarterly and also receive an Annual Appraisal. Records supplied by ND Care evidenced that staff are receiving supervision but not in the timeframes set in regulations. All staff had completed an annual appraisal.

A copy of the most recent bi-annual quality assurance report was provided dated September 2022. The report gained feedback from individuals receiving a service by way of a questionnaire.

The QA report evidenced that overall individuals were satisfied with the care and support they receive. Areas for improvement were identified and these areas were addressed with staff.

The RI visits the branch regularly to support and dates are scheduled in advance for these visits.

The latest RI quarterly report was provided and evidenced monitoring of the branch and feedback from staff and individuals receiving a service.

Four individuals or their representatives were contacted by the monitoring officer for feedback on the service they receive.

All of the people contacted provided good feedback regarding the care they receive and the carers who support them.

Feedback for care staff was excellent and none of the individuals contacted had ever had to raise any concerns with care staff or the office.

Corrective / developmental actions

Staff meet for one to one supervision with their line manager or equivalent officer, or a more senior member of staff, no less than quarterly. (Regulation 36, Regulation & Inspection of Social Care (Wales) Act 2016.)


It was a positive monitoring visit to ND Care & Support. The branch has undergone management changes over the year, and it was clear that improvements have been made that have benefited the overall service. Feedback from individuals regarding the care and support they receive was excellent and from Social Workers, who describe the care agency as pro-active and effective at communicating with professionals involved with individuals care and support. The monitoring officer would like to thank ND Care staff for their time and hospitality during the monitoring visit.


Ceri Williams


Contract Monitoring Officer



N.B.This report will be made available via Caerphilly County Borough Council’s internet site. Hard copies of the report will also be made available to service users and/or their families should they ask to see them.