Ton y Felin

  • Number: -
  • Road(s): Brynffynnon, Ton y Felin
  • Town: Croespenmaen
  • Postcode: NP11 3EQ 

Details of properties to be covered

  • Landlord(s) - Pobl
  • Count - 6 x 1 bedroom flats 

Reason for requesting a local lettings policy

Pobl would like to create an LLP for all future lettings on the Brynffynnon development which will enable us to create a balanced and sustainable community, therefore propose a mixture of applicants with less high needs and priorities to be considered.

Allocating on the basis of need alone could result in a high concentration of people with support needs, which may affect the balance/harmony of the estate.

Due to the location of the site it appears that applicants who have severe mobility issues, or do not have access to personal transport may become isolated. 

Summary of evidence base to support local lettings policy

There are often unique challenges around creating a sense of community on new developments. In the first 12 months there is often a higher than average rate of anti-social behaviour and a higher demand for services from us as a landlord. An LLP can assist with our aspiration to create a cohesive and sustainable community where people will thrive and want to live long term.

High levels of anti-social behaviour in the new estate would impact the local community and Pobl and our ability to carry out our housing management functions.

There are also safety concerns as there will be a recreation/ playground area at the end of the site leading to the high expectation of families with children moving into the new estate.

The 6 Pobl flats are extremely close to the recreation/ playground area and we feel that an LLP will keep this area safe for children with the idea that we would like to create a balanced community and also continuing to work with Gwent Police to further attempt to reduce issues within the community.

Pobl are planning on hosting a community event in the coming months at the local Community Centre in which we are hoping the Emergency Services will attend, along with Community Safety Managers. This will give the community an opportunity to voice their concerns and receive advice around anti-social behaviour and how to report, where to report etc. We are hoping during this event to give out crime safety packs which will hold all the relevant information on how the community can assist with bringing down crime in the area.

As well as putting long term measures in place, Pobl have installed CCTV cameras and sound recording equipment into selected properties in order to escalate the cases where we do have ASB and envision a suspected legal case.

Given the various vulnerabilities of the existing residents, we want to minimise the risk of letting the new properties to people who may exploit those vulnerabilities or who may cause further disruption to the area.

Below outlines the basis of the concerns:

  • Criminal behaviour
  • Adult safety concerns
  • Verbal abuse/harassment
  • Weapons
  • Internal property conditions linked to Mental Health
  • Physical violence
  • Drug dealing
  • Sexual assault 

Objective of local lettings policy

A local lettings policy will allow us to create a more balanced and sustainable community and to maintain a positive reputation as a Community Landlord. Not only will it allow us to tackle any incoming issues, it will also give us space to manage the problems that currently exist whilst reassuring residents and the community that we are addressing the situation. Our goal is allocate properties to people who would not increase crime or exacerbate both POBL and other services. Our concern is that due to the amount of significant applicant with tenancy manage issues and potential history of crime and drug use could significantly increase crime further in Croespenmaen and increase the load of already stretched services within the area. 

Restrictions to be placed on lettings

No applicants with significant substance misuse within in the last 3 years.

(Substance misuse is the use of alcohol, illegal drugs, or over-the-counter or prescription medications in a way that they are not meant to be used and could be harmful to you or others around you. The most common variety of addictive substances are classified under six main categories: alcohol, benzodiazepines, illicit drugs, opiates, sleeping pills, and stimulants)

No applicants that have a poor tenancy reference in the past 3 years in relation to ASB, including where they have received the following:- an injunction, possession order, notice seeking possession, demotion notice or demotion order, Section 21 notice due to ASB, CBO, CPN, closure order).

Applicants coming via homelessness need to have a positive reference from the housing advice team with regards to their conduct in temporary accommodation.

Consideration will be given to homeless applicants who may have needs and can evidence that they are working closely with support services. i.e move on or step forward.

Applicants from the general waiting list who are unable to demonstrate a positive history of sustaining via a Landlord reference must have either:-

  • A positive reference from a relevant support professional regarding general conduct or,
  • A reference from another professional who knows them in a personal capacity.

Any applicant that has unspent convictions for violent offences, theft/burglary and/or drug offences will not be considered. Preference will also be considered for applicant with disabilities providing property type is suitable to their individual need, Every verification will completed on a case by case basis. 

Details of any community consultation

There currently no occupants yet as the site is not complete, however we have housed 2 families in the 2 bed and 3 bed houses that are fleeing Domestic violence and have severe anxiety because of their experiences that would cause them to have to move if ASB began in the estate.

Summary of equality impact assessment

We will not discriminate against prospective customers, as we acknowledge that as a social housing provider it is essential that we provide equal access to housing regardless of an individuals protected characteristics.

However our aim of implementing the LLP is that we want to create a balanced and safe community, with sustainability at the heart of our agenda.

On that basis applicants will each be reviewed to assess their suitability against the criteria outlined above on a case-by-case basis, and flexibility will be exercised.

POBL will exercise their discretion around the allocations that will be made, so to ensure we meet the objectives set out.

Whilst we cannot fully prevent complex issues arising; we aim to create a healthy balance across the site so not to create clusters of problematic areas or forming areas that become unmanageable; which could in turn result in failed tenancies, an increase in void turnover and further homeless applications. 

  • Implementation date: As soon as possible
  • Termination date: 12 months from implementation 
  • Review frequency: 6 monthly
  • Monitoring and review arrangements: -

Requesting Officer

  • Name: Donna Davies
  • Position: Neighbourhood Housing Manager
  • Organisation: POBL
  • Dated: 13.02.2024

Panel Decision

  • Approved / Rejected: -
  • Dated: -
  • Decision details: -