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Caerphilly County Borough’s Waste Strategy public consultation results to be reviewed

Posted on : 01 Jul 2024

Caerphilly County Borough’s Waste Strategy public consultation results to be reviewed
The results of Caerphilly County Borough Council’s (CCBC) draft Waste Strategy public consultation will be considered by councillors over the coming weeks.

The Waste Strategy sets out the strategic direction and longer-term plan to ensure that the Council meets and exceeds statutory recycling and decarbonisation performance targets.

A consultation was open to the public from 5th February – 29th April 2024, and offered the public the opportunity to get involved and have their say on the proposed implementation of the draft Waste Strategy. During this period the Council received over 2800 completed surveys, in addition to attending 16 face-to-face engagement sessions.

The Strategy is based on 5 five strategic objectives:
  • Reduce overall waste arisings.
  • Increase repair and reuse.
  • Increase the proportion and quality of material that is recycled.
  • Optimise contribution to and use of renewable energy.
  • Help residents to manage waste more sustainably.

Under each of these objectives there are a series of actions that will be delivered.
These include changes to the way Household Recycling Centres are managed, the introduction of a new recycling collection service aligned to Welsh Government’s Blueprint, and a reduction in the frequency of residual waste collections and exploring options to introduce a fleet of ultra-low emission vehicles. All of this will be supported using new IT systems incorporating InCab technology.

Marcus Lloyd, Head of Infrastructure and Waste said: “Following the responses we received from our public consultation, we have now drafted a final Waste Strategy for the consideration and approval of elected members.

“The Strategy outlines how CCBC aims to reach and exceed future statutory targets through a range of measures that will increase recycling rates and decrease overall waste arising, whilst also looking at decarbonisation measures to help tackle climate change.

“The financial asks outlined within the Strategy includes a combined spend of CCBC funding, Welsh Government funding and borrowing, necessary to reach our ambitious targets whilst future proofing our waste and recycling service for our residents for years to come.”

Results of the public consultation and the draft Waste Strategy will be considered by the Council’s Joint Scrutiny meeting next week (08/07/23) before going on for final determination at meetings of Cabinet and Full Council later in the month.

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