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Caerphilly foster carers ‘bring something to the table’ to support young people in the area

Posted on : 14 May 2024

Caerphilly foster carers ‘bring something to the table’ to support young people in the area
This Foster Care Fortnight (13-26 May), Foster Wales Caerphilly is calling on people in the area to consider becoming foster carers to support local children and young people in need.
Every May, the Foster Care Fortnight campaign aims to raise the profile of fostering and show how foster care can transform lives.

In Wales, there are more than 7000 children in care but only 3800 foster families. Foster Wales has set out with the bold aim of recruiting over 800 new foster families by 2026 to provide welcoming homes for local children and young people.

The theme for this years Foster Care Fortnight is ‘fostering moments’ and local foster carers hope that sharing their fostering moments will support the cause. By sharing positive fostering moments they show how anybody can help create memories, build confidence and make children feel safe and loved.

In a new cookbook, ‘bring something to the table’, Foster Wales highlight the simple things a carer can offer like the security of a regular meal, family time around the table and creating new food favourites.

'Bring something to the table' has over 20 recipes, including recipes from the foster care community and celebrity chefs. MasterChef Winner, Wynne Evans, Cook/Author, Colleen Ramsey and Olympic Athletic Fatima Whitebread have contributed recipes as well as many others.

Caerphilly Foster Carers, Chloe and Jordan said, “as long as we have love in our hearts, we’ll open our homes to children who need us. The goodbyes are hard but the hello’s are so much greater”.

Esther and Nick, local Foster Carers commented, “Fostering has given us the opportunity to play a part in the child’s journey and to make that journey as positive as we can”.

During Foster Caer Fortnight, Foster Wales will be sharing content across the Gwent region on social media channels and will be out and about in the local community to help more people understand fostering and the positive difference it can make.

To find out more about becoming a foster carer in Caerphilly visit:

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