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News releases
08 Jun 2022
A free entry fun-packed festival will take over the Owain Glyndwr Playing Fields on Crescent Road, Caerphilly on Saturday June 11th
Three educators in Caerphilly County Borough Council have been recognised in this year’s Young Enterprise Wales Awards.
Proud Councils has been shortlisted for the Public Sector Equality award and this year’s PinkNews awards.
June is Gypsy, roma and traveller month (GRT) which through raising awareness, education and celebration helps tackle prejudice and discrimination amongst our GRT community. Let’s celebrate this history and culture and build a better future.
The Kickstart scheme allows employers to create high quality 6-month work placements to support young people to gain meaningful work.
Babies and their mums are visiting primary schools in Caerphilly County Borough bringing the Roots of Empathy program to primary pupils with the idea that they, in turn, will become more empathic, caring people because of it.