Strategic Priority Action Required to deliver the Priority Timescales Short <1 year Medium 1 – 2 years Long Term >3 yearsOngoing Lead Outcome/OutputsUPDATES
1 Adopt a rapid rehousing approach Completed Kerry Denman Housing Solutions Manager Plan completed
1 Classification of LA stock Medium Kerry DenmanHousing Solutions Manager Yet to commence, ongoing
1 Review Allocation policy. Medium Kerry DenmanHousing Solutions Manager Currently being reviewed ongoing
1 Understand LHMA data Medium Shelly JonesHousing Support Manager Report with stakeholders for consultation
1 Work with all property owner types to increase available accommodation.Consider all options LCHO/ Shared/ Social/ Transitional/ PRS/ Housing First etc. Medium/ Ongoing Shelly JonesHousing Support ManagerKerry Denman, Housing Solutions Manager Attend PRS Forum periodically.Continue support workers funding for Caerphilly Keys staff.Proceed with WG Leasing SchemeConsider Empty Homes Properties and Grants available as part of workstream.Explore ownership models for affordable housing.Developed RSL STAR model and increased properties – ongoing “flip” STAR to general needs and replace.2x 6 Transitional units obtained through HCF funding to be completed late 2024 and early 2025.8 transitional units completed June 2024Obtained dispersed VAWDASV properties. CAS2 funded properties ongoingTACP funded properties ongoingReplacement emergency accommodation investigation ongoingAdditional Caerphilly Keys properties ongoing
1 Understand scheme criteria; needs and risks of each person requiring accommodation. Short / ongoing Shelly JonesHousing Support Manager All services completed PIE TIE training and renewed regularly.Access RISK information from all (police, probation, health, Social Services, providers).Complete Support plans for each personReview the scheme criteria regularly -ensure in line with evidence of need and matching presenting needs.Support is accessible to all.Review needs and how evidenced – Face to Face, telephone etc. (OT piece of work)Identify long term sustainable tenancies and/or independent living options.STAR model implemented across all services – continue to work across all geographical locations Allocations made on evidenced need.
1 Remodel Supported Accommodation where necessary. Working with RSL’s to use capital grant streams. Medium Shelly JonesHousing Support Manager All SA reviewed and where necessary remodelled with RSL owner. Consideration of PIE/TIE and WHQS standardsUse of grants from various sources to be considered/applied.Applications and updates for HCF reviewed and updated for future remodelling of existing SA
1 Provide abstinence led “Wet House” provision Completed Shelly JonesHousing Support Manager Completed June 2024
1 Provide Dual Diagnosis/Complex Needs Accommodation Medium Shelly JonesHousing Support Manager Funding obtained and site options acquired – due for completion 2025
1 Consider options within current portfolio on how to improve access, exit and holistic support during stay. Short / ongoing Shelly JonesHousing Support Manager Ongoing partnership work to improve pathways and support
1 Identify all partners required and provide space to access within assessment centre. Medium Shelly JonesHousing Support Manager Partners identified, assessment centre on hold at present due to other priorities
1 Consider early release changes and how impacts upon accommodation. Short Shelly JonesHousing Support Manager Limited to date, initial issues to be considered with measured responses for improvement
1 Engage with those with lived experience across all aspects. Short / ongoing Shelly JonesHousing Support Manager Ensure widespread involvement and engagement across the portfolio of services - ongoing
2 Improve access to accommodation (generally and for inclement weather). Short Shelly JonesHousing Support Manager General accommodation not widely improved.Completed inclement weather provision for previous winter – plan for upcoming options.
2 Additional affordable accommodation Short / ongoing Shelly JonesHousing Support Manager Ongoing – all tenures being considered
2 Improve access (Contact) to Outreach support services. Completed Shelly JonesHousing Support Manager Completed – increase staff and dedicated phone lines for outreach
2 Scope current client group and reasons for entrenched rough sleeping Short / ongoing Shelly JonesHousing Support Manager Ongoing consideration of options due to needs change and differences for each person.
2 Work with multi agency stakeholders to deliver holistic service. Short / ongoing Shelly JonesHousing Support Manager Collaboration and integrated work with Housing, GDAS, ABSDAS Dedicated GP continues to work well.
2 Consider the access criteria of existing supported / temporary accommodation. Short Shelly JonesHousing Support Manager Changes to access criteria for supported/temporary accommodation. Staff training completed - ongoing.
2 Identify and remove barriers to access support. Short / ongoing Shelly JonesHousing Support Manager Initial identification of barriers completed however removal of barriers is ongoing.
2 Explore Housing First and complex needs provision. Medium / ongoing Shelly JonesHousing Support Manager No Increase of Housing First properties to date. Ongoing assessment and provision needed
2 Maintain contact with rough sleepers. Short / ongoing Shelly JonesHousing Support Manager Consideration of different venue to contact, including increased attendance at Probation and drop-in sessions across the borough being considered
2 Identify property owners to assist with housing to meet needs. Short / ongoing Shelly JonesHousing Support Manager Working with empty homes property team, Caerphilly Keys, WG Lease Scheme - ongoing
2 Explore early release impact. Medium Shelly JonesHousing Support Manager To date early release has resulted in rough sleeping and recall increase.
2 Engage with those with lived experience across all aspects. Short / ongoing Shelly JonesHousing Support Manager Ensure Service users are part of service remodel in commissioning and procurement aspects - ongoing
3 Identify key partners and stakeholders to be present within the Assessment Centre/HUB Long / ongoing Shelly JonesHousing Support Manager Key partners identified, however not taken forward currently
3 Improve the collaboration between providers and Health, Housing, Probation and Social Services Short / ongoing Shelly JonesHousing Support Manager Attendance at RPB event to present HSG services to Working Together EventWork undertaken with United Welsh and Police Presented at Hoarding Task and Finish GroupAward for STAR model working with United Welsh, Llamau and Platfform
3 Revert to accessing prisons and hospitals pre-pandemic. Medium Shelly JonesHousing Support Manager Access to prisons hasn’t restarted, query of duplication with national support scheme with HMPPS – work is on-going to explore. Unable to access prisoners prior to release.Identified a dedicated Housing officer to deal with those leaving prison – sat on NFA group/info group.Staff have returned to the hospitals/improved links with hospital discharge/OT and support.
3 Work with providers to share data and highlight areas for improvement. Completed Shelly JonesHousing Support Manager Employment of additional Monitoring staff.
3 Develop process maps to ensure we understand pathways to all services. Short Shelly JonesHousing Support Manager Yet to start, current processes still in place. Task for new Monitoring Staff to commence and complete
3 Consider any other methods of identifying potential referrals before they fall into crisis. Short / ongoing Shelly JonesHousing Support Manager Completed - Additional Gateway Staff enabled deeper conversations at point of referral.Ongoing - Improvement to PR exercises, attending Health/IWN/NCN and CCBC community events. Virtual advert in GP surgeries to continue. Earlier identification from Housing/RSL/Estate Agents Attend team meetings for all LA teams.
3 Attend transitional groups and be aware of changes in legislation, policy or practice that will identify potential service users at the earliest opportunity. Short / ongoing Shelly JonesHousing Support Manager Ongoing attendance at Social Services Childrens/Adults Transitional Operational Group.Increase training of staff and renewals for legislation
3 Reduce number of people accessing homelessness provision Short / ongoing Shelly JonesHousing Support Manager Ongoing issue - Sustained housing without the need to move, resettle or require expensive services, obtained funding for storage, van hire etc. Homeless prevention for individuals to retain sofa surfing opportunities.
3 Reduce number of people needing supported or temporary accommodation Short / ongoing Shelly JonesHousing Support Manager Ongoing - Access services appropriately and in a timely manner. Streamlined approach to services, planned moves, less emergency access and long-term provision required.
3 Engage with those with lived experience across all aspects. Medium / ongoing Shelly JonesHousing Support Manager Ensure service user views and thoughts are gathered in a variety of meaningful ways during monitoring
4 Identify staff who can work from various Hubs – Assessment Centre and Flying Start Integration Hub Medium Shelly JonesHousing Support Manager Staff identified for integration Hub, Assessment centre yet to be completed.
4 Re-introduce CMHT staff to our Assessment Centre/Hub and across all Supported Accommodation Medium Shelly JonesHousing Support Manager CMHT not in AC/hub but are involved with supported accommodation, B&B and Specialist provision.
4 Integrate and connect CMHT, GDAS, ABSDAS and CDAT staff. Short / ongoing Shelly JonesHousing Support Manager Continue with AO meetings – multi disciplinary meeting. Invite all staff to panel meetings. Further investigate JAM Meeting attendance. Continue with staff based across CMHT/CDAT and Health New “wet” scheme will connect all services and use as a base.
4 Improve collaboration with Probation, Police and local CADRO officers to improve communication. Short / ongoing Shelly JonesHousing Support Manager Improvement with CADRO continues via HUB meetings.S115 and new development meetings continue and involve all. Probation link with providers improving and drop ins available. NFA meetings continue with Probation/ Housing/ SP/ Providers Probation at a national level is not communicating with existing services on the ground.
4 Consider specialist roles and increase staffing across accommodation and floating support services. Completed Shelly JonesHousing Support Manager Pre and post workers are now in post across all provision.Specialist role within Housing Advice for Probation pathway
4 Ensure all services are working in a PIE and TIE way. Medium / ongoing Shelly JonesHousing Support Manager Monitoring staff in place Regular training to be conducted/updated.Cymorth training to be completed.
4 Identify and assist with recruitment and retention issues for all staffing. Medium / ongoing Shelly JonesHousing Support Manager Completed, staffing retention much higher, uplift of HSG funded assisted to bring providers to real living wage. Query in terms of ongoing levels of staff if uplift not included as core in future
4 Improve relationships with colleges to provide apprenticeship opportunities. Medium / ongoing Shelly JonesHousing Support Manager In house we have successfully recruited an apprentice.Providers yet to consider due to staff levels.
4 Establish all staff mandatory training levels and access to training for all types of staffing. Medium / ongoing Shelly JonesHousing Support Manager Ongoing - DTA completed to list completed training.
4 Identify any unique pilot or training opportunities such as MAPS and support its widespread approach across all providers and services. Medium / ongoing Shelly JonesHousing Support Manager Continue to identify and promote opportunities.
4 Regular review staffing levels and vacancies, looking for trends to ensure capacity is available to meet demand Medium / ongoing Shelly JonesHousing Support Manager Continue to review staff levels and vacancies.