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A notice of motion was agreed at a meeting of full council yesterday evening to request additional funding from Welsh Government for the future management of the former Ty Llwyd Quarry site in Ynysddu.
Did you know you there are now various ways to contact your local police force, and specially trained staff are there to help as soon as you get in touch.
Pupils from Blackwood Comprehensive School have excelled in an annual contest which required them to pit their business skills against other schools in Wales.
A spokesperson for CCBC said: “Caerphilly County Borough Council is aware that Cwm Glas Infants School has issued a letter today (Friday 30th June) to the parents/guardians of pupils attending the school, outlining that the Governing Body have concerns about the viability of the school.
Two major milestones bring Caerphilly’s new market development one step closer, with the search for a market operator and formally welcoming expressions of interest from potential traders.
Redevelopment plans for Caerphilly’s Pentrebane Street have been approved as part of Caerphilly 2035’s ambitious regeneration plan to transform Caerphilly town centre. The Pentrebane Street regeneration project has been made possible thanks to Caerphilly County Borough Council and support from the Welsh Government’s Transforming Towns programme.